Tropical Storm Risk (TSR)
Tropical Storm OTIS: Probability of tropical storm winds to 93 hours lead
Probability Scale |
Chance of Happening | Value |
| Chance of Happening | Value |
Extremely Low | 10% | |
Medium-High | 60% |
Very Low | 20% | | High |
70% |
Low | 30% | | Very High |
80% |
Medium-Low | 40% | |
Extremely High | 90% |
Medium | 50% | | Certain |
100% |
Note that all probabilities refer to the occurrence of 1-min sustained wind speeds.
Researched and Developed by
Mark Saunders,
Frank Roberts
Adam Lea
TSR Version 4.1 Copyright © 2023
, London,
Last updated on
23 Oct, 2023 8:54 GMT